Wow, boleh menang kereta, laptop, blacberry... Wah wah <--- gaya iklan raya PTPTN. Herm, pertandingan apa nih??? Ye, just read about this article kat Budiey. Blog For Federal Territory. This competition was originally generated from brilliant idea of our Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan - YB Dato’ Raja Nong Chik bin Dato’ Raja Zainal Abidin. Special created to encourage public to blog about the FT of KL, Putrajaya and Labuan.
Herm, so blogger2 sekalian, marilah mari, kita mengundi <--- eh, silap lagu, itu utk pengundi kat Bagan Pinang. Marilah kita menyertai nya. Bagaimana??? Memula kenala register dulu. Harusla kan, kalau tak camna nak sertai.
Mood:~Mari, sertai lah bersama2 dan vote antara satu sama lain. Ehehhee~
hak ena.....boleh caye ke?
erm.. boleh... voley...
u nyer entry mesti veletopppp!!!!!
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