Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sardin Berbahaya??? Oh no no no…

adesss… kabut seketika… iyolah, makanan kegemaran ai telah dicanang2kan berbahaya… SARDIN… apalah makna si Jely tanpa sardin… tahukah bahawa, salah satu cara utk membuatkan inchek Mislan membuatkan anaknya si Jely ini makan nasi bertambah2 adalah dengan menghidangkan masakan SARDIN… he3…


sila ke sini utk artikel penuh

huwaaa, panjang no ceritanya… tapi, secara ringkasnya, sardin ini dikatakan adalah salah satu punca terjadinya tumor dan fibroid… kes yang dinyatakan, ada beberapa suspek telah dijangkiti tumor di rahim, dan rahim nya terpaksa dibuang… abislah rahim ai… *eh, ada rahimkah saya??? ~cengkerik…

ok ok… jadi dengan tanpa melengahkan masa dan tenaga, ai telah kopipes artikel ni di Ayam’s Brand page… dengan harapan mendapat maklumbalas dengan segera… tadaaa… dalam masa limabelasminit, telah mendapat feedback dari Encik Mohammad Hisham bin Hj.Talib
Head of Ayam Brand Halal Department.

sardin 2

Fazdly, thank you for your concern about the quality of our products. Such articles are rumors that are regularly spread via e mail or on blogs. Please see below the explanation from our halal department for your perusal.
May I remember our consumers that Ayam Brand canned food are NO PRESERVATIVES as we use a recognized technique of sterilization to ensure the safety of our recipes: STERILIZATION was invented long time ago by a French Chef in 1810 to preserve perishable foods in a stable form that can be stored and shipped to distant markets during all months of the year.
The process is simple: Long hour heating in high temperature.
The heating process is the way of preservation, no need to add preservatives.
The heat kills the bacteria, allows a longer conservation, preserve texture and aspect of food.
So just enjoy your favorite sardines and thank you for your loyal support!

inginkan artikel penuh??? sila ke Ayam’s Brand page

pheww… alhamdulillah… selesai sudah persoalan di sini… for those who reads this article, sebar2kan la yer… boleh percaya ke ni??? Tepuk Dada Tanya Selera…

mood:~psss, abah, Ayam’s Brand nak mintak resepi abah, bolehkah???~

1 comment:

roha said...
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